Ruby Workout Routine for Beginners: A Complete Guide with 3 Day Schedule Sample



Ruby’s workout routine is designed for those who are looking for balanced and effective treatment. Workout which was named after a female fitness expert named Ruby Rose, is the same common exercise that is essential to improve fitness, health, or strength of the body. Ruby workout routine includes a combination of strength training, cardio exercises, flexibility work like yoga or stretching, and sometimes high-intensity interval training (HIIT).


Here is a complete guide with 3 days schedule sample of Ruby workout routine:  

Importance of Ruby Workout Routine   


The Ruby Workout routine is the basic complete way of fitness, strength training, cardio exercise, flexibility work, and occasional high-intensity intervals. All these exercises help in building muscle, enhancing cardiovascular health, improving flexibility, and promoting overall health. It helps to promote physical strength, endurance, and mental resilience. by paying close attention to Ruby’s workout routine, people can achieve their fitness goals.  


Getting Started: Material needed 


You need the following materials for the ruby workout routine:  

⇒workout clothes:

should be comfortable to stay flexible    

Resistance band:

optional to add variety and resistance.  


optional but beneficial for beginners.  

Yogah Mat:

For floor exercise.  

Running shoes:

with padding and support  

Water bottle:

To stay hydrated   


To clean the sweat  


optional but beneficial for cycling. 

A ball

Optional but beneficial For Russian Twist


The Ruby Workout Routine for Beginners 


1-Warm-up (5 to 10 minutes) 

Firstly, in Ruby’s workout routine, warming up is important to prepare the body and mind for the next exercise. It also increases the blood flow to the muscles, their temperature, and flexibility.  

♦ Arm circles (Minimum 30 seconds backward and 30 seconds upwards)  

A woman doing an arm circle
A woman doing an arm circle




Jumping Jacks (2 minutes)

A woman doing jumping jacks
A woman doing jumping jacks

Leg swings (Minimum 30 seconds for each leg) 

A woman swinging her legs
A woman swinging her legs

Torso Twist (1 to 2 minutes)

A woman turns her torso (Torso Twist)
A woman turns her torso (Torso Twist)


2-Strength Training (30 minutes)  

For overall health, strength training is essential in Ruby’s workout routine. It helps to increase the growth of muscles that enhance metabolism and aid manage weight. Strength training also improves joint flexibility and balance and reduces the chances of injuries and the risk of bone fractures.  

♦ Squats (10 minutes)  

A woman doing squats workout
a woman doing squats workout
  • Make sure that your feet and shoulder width are apart.  
  • Lower your body as you sit in the chair by keeping your back straight.  
  • Keep your chest up and put your entire body on your heels.  
  • Get down until your thighs are not less than parallel to the ground by keeping your knees behind from toes.  
  • Push your heels and return to the initial position by putting right your legs and knees.  
  • It’s important to maintain proper form by raising your chest, keeping your back straight, and knees putting over your toes.  

Push-Ups (10 minutes) 

A woman doing pushing-ups workout
A woman doing pushing-ups workout


  • Start from the plank position by pointing your fingers forward and your toes backward.  
  • Your body should be like a line from head to toe on the ground ensuring that your entire body is above the ground except for your hands and feet.  
  • Bend your elbows at 45-degree angles to your torso.  
  • You should stay down until your chest touches the floor or you feel relaxed.  
  • Return to the starting position by extending your elbows with your palms facing upwards.  
  • Inhale while going down and exhale while going back.  
  • Complete the repetition by extending your arms fully overhead to maintain a hold throughout the exercise.  

Dumbbell Rows (10 minutes) 

A woman doing dumbbells rows workout
A woman doing dumbbells rows workout


  1. Start by placing the Dumbbell on the floor.  
  2. Place your left hand and knee on a flat bench.  
  3. Take a dumbbell in your right hand and place your right foot firmly on the floor.  
  4. Keep your back parallel to the bench and the ground.  
  5. Bring the dumbbell towards your hip by closing your elbow to your body.  
  6. Raise the dumbbells to your hips and hold for 5 seconds to maximally contract your back muscles.  
  7. Lower the dumbbell with control until your entire arm is straight. But don’t let your shoulder move.  
  8. After completing the exercise on one side for the desired number of repetitions, switch to the other side of the bench for a two-arm exercise.  

3-Cardiovascular or HIIT Workout  

In a ruby workout routine, physical activities that increase your heart rate are called Cardiovascular workouts or cardio. These exercises are beneficial for people of all ages to maintain overall fitness. Cardio workout promotes cardiovascular health, lowering the risk of heart disease. When this exercise is combined with a balanced diet, it helps in weight loss maintenance by burning calories.  

Here are beginner cardio exercises:  


Running and jogging (20 to 30 minutes) 

A woman busy in running and jogging
A woman busy in running and jogging

Running and jogging are part of a cardio workout and are beneficial for overall health, especially for heart health. This exercise helps in weight management and improves muscular endurance. Here are essential tips: 

  • It’s critical to face warm-up and strength training sessions before proper running and jogging. 
  • Utilize a high-quality running shoe that provides decent support. 
  • Start with peaceful conditions as you want, and gradually increase speed and distance.  
  • Maintain your back straight and shoulders relaxed, and your arms should be exactly straight (at 90 degrees). 
  • Breathe deeply, and don’t forget to stay hydrated before, during, and after your running exercise.  
  • Finish with 10 minutes of cool down and light stretching. 

Russian Twist (5 minutes) 

A woman doing Russian twist workout
A woman doing Russian twist workout

This exercise is beneficial for the abdominal muscles, especially the obliques. This cardio exercise not only helps to lose weight and improve balance but also its main character to tone the midsection. Russian Twist can be done without weights, and it is suitable for all fitness levels. How to perform? Below is a full guide: 

  1. Sit on the floor with your feet flat and knees bent. 
  2. Keeping your back straight, bring both your hands in front of your chest. 
  3. For more resistance, the ball or any weight can be held in your hands or held tightly by your hands as shown in the picture. 
  4. Bring your elbows and hands to the floor and bend the torso in the opposite direction to the floor for 30 seconds. 
  5. Return to the initial position and repeat this process on the other side. 
 Tips for effective Russian Twist: 
  • Keep your back straight and avoid rounding the shoulders. 
  • Instead of flexing the arms, consider turning the muscles. 
  • Exhale as you bend and inhale at the center. 
  • Increase the intensity by holding weights or extending the legs off the ground. 


High Knees (5 to 10 minutes) 

A woman doing high knees exercise
A woman doing high knees exercise

An exercise in which you must run by extending the knee as much as possible with each step. It’s a popular move in cardio workouts. High knees exercise increases the heart rate, eliminates lethargy, improves endurance, and strengthens your lower body such as quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. It also plays a vital role in fat burning. Here is the method of high knees: 

  1. Lift your knees to hip-width apart and swing your arms out to the sides 
  2. Don’t forget to look straight ahead, keep your chest wide, and promote core macules. 
  3. Bring your right knee up to hip height. 
  4. Lower the right leg and immediately repeat with the left leg. 
  5. Continue this with both legs quickly. 
Tips for proper High Kness: 
  • Stay on the balls of your feet. 
  • Straight your backside and use your arms. 
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tight during exercise. 
  • Move fast by maintaining control. 


Cycling (10 to 20 minutes) 

A person doing cycling in the garden
A person doing cycling

Cycling is one of the best cardiovascular exercises for weight management and brain fitness in addition to heart health. It’s a low-impact exercise that burns calories and keeps joints supple. 

It is an eco-friendly exercise that promotes overall health by reducing carbon emissions. Below have given some tips for cycling which you should follow: 

  • Always use a cycle by making sure your bike is suitable for the type of cycling you intend to do. 
  • Use helmets to protect yourself in case of falls and accidents. 
  • Keep checking your ride for mechanical issues. 
  • It’s essential to be gradual in intensity and resolution and stay hydrated. 
  • While cycling, keep your back straight, elbows bent, and hands comfortably on the handlebars. 
  • Wearing comfortable clothing and riding gloves can add to your comfort. 
  • Obey traffic rules and maintain lighting in low-light conditions. 


4-Cool Down (5 to 10 minutes)

Cooling down is a vital part of the ruby workout routine. This part is like warming up. It helps the body move back into a relaxed state. The goal of the cool-down is to lower the heart rate, prevent blood coagulation, reduce stiffness, and help remove lactic acid.  

Decreased exercise intensity    

Begin the cool-down by gradually reducing the intensity of the exercise you were performing. For example, if you are running, slow down to walk. 


Stretching is a form of physical exercise and plays an important role in cooling down, in which a specific muscle or tendon is deliberately stretched and flexed to improve the muscle’s perceived stiffness and achieve relaxation. 

♦ Breathing Exercise  

Breathing is an important part of cooling down for reducing heart rate and promoting relaxation. Take deep breaths after exercising. 


Drinking water can replenish fluids lost through sweat. Don’t forget to hydrate yourself before, during, and after exercise. 


3 Day Schedule Sample of Ruby Workout Routine 


→Day 1: Full body strength  



  • Light jogging and other dynamic stretches for 5 to 10 minutes. 


Strength Training 


  • Squats: 3 sets of 10-15 repetition  
  • Push-ups: 3 sets of 5-10 repetitions (knees if needed) 
  • Dumbbells: 3 sets of repetition per arms 


Cool Down 


  • Invest 5 to 10 minutes in Stretching, hydrating, and breathing exercises. 


→Day 2: Cardiovascular Workout 




  • Light jogging and other dynamic stretches for 5 to 10 minutes. 




  • Walking and jogging: 20-30 minutes in a peaceful place. 
  • Russian Twist: 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions per side. 
  • High Knees: 3 sets of 15-repetition  
  • Cycling: 20-30 minutes for enjoyment. (optional) 


Cool Down  

  • Spent on gentle Stretching for 5-10 minutes. 


→Day 3: Activeness Recovery

Recovery Options

  •  Light jogging  
  • Yogah and meditation
  • Stretching Exercise  


Tips For Effective and Success Workout 

Setting goal: 

You should know for what purpose you are exercising. Goal setting makes a significant difference in the benefits of exercise. You must decide if you are exercising for a purpose, for example, to lose weight improve endurance, and build muscles. Once you decide, you know what you’re putting yourself into this routine for, and you feel confident later when your goal is accomplished


Listen to your body 

Exercise is indeed necessary for fitness and physical energy, but if you are starting, you should increase it a little in the first week and gradually increase it in the next week. If you feel any pain or difficulty through a workout, consult with your medical professional.  


Eat Balanced Diet  

A balanced diet with a ruby workout makes it easier and more beneficial for your health and fitness. A healthy and balanced diet involves carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, and minerals which are crucial for promoting the benefits of the ruby workout routine. 


Stay Hydrate  

Hydrating helps maintain optimum body temperature, lubricates the joints, and supports joint function. Proper hydration improves endurance, reduces the risk of aches and pain, and increases overall performance. So, you should not forget to drink water before, during, and after exercise. 

Stay Consists  

Consistency is critical to achieving your fitness goals. It improves performance and improves overall health. 

By sticking to their routines regularly, individuals can gradually build strength, endurance, and flexibility. Stay consistent because it maintains better health and fitness whether it’s daily workouts, weekly routines, or monthly progress checks. 



Ruby’s workout is popular for its simple and effective exercise. It can start without specific materials. Starting a ruby workout routine is interesting and beneficial for beginners. It offers a complete approach to fitness, blending, strength training, and cardio exercise (HIIT). Whether you are a beginner or advanced, this ruby workout routine guides you to achieve fitness goals. Warm-up and cooling down is the important part of the workout. Cardio exercise is for improving heart health.  

In summary, exercise does not offer you a few benefits, but it is a great technique to improve your fitness and overall health.  


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