Yael Aflalo, The Founder of Reformation fashion brand

Yael Aflalo designer at reformation brand

Yael Aflalo is known for its dedication to sustainable fashion. As the founder and creative director of Reformation, she has developed her brand by focusing on eco-friendly practices and modern designs. Her journey from a fashion model to a leader in sustainable fashion is inspiring and important in shaping the future of the fashion industry.

The early life of Yael Aflalo 

The founder of Reformation Yael Aflalo was born on 19 November 1976 in San Francisco, California. She grew up in a creative and entrepreneurial environment. Her father was a Moroccan-born entrepreneur, and her mother was an American artist. They discovered her passion for design and sustainability.

Aflalo studied political science at California University, Berkeley. However, her passion for fashion made him pursue a career n in the fashion industry. Aflalo’s career began as a model but soon she realized that her true passion lay in creating clothes. At just 21 years old, she launched her first fashion line which was very successful and marked his entry into the fashion industry. Motivated by this success, she later founded the sustainable fashion brand Reformation, building on her early achievements in the industry.

Reformation Brand

Reformation brand
Reformation brand

Aflalo founded Reformation to create a stylish yet sustainable fashion brand in 2009. Starting in a small Los Angeles storefront, Aflalo and her team began by repurposing old and vintage clothing to make trendy, limited-edition. This innovative approach quickly gained attention, placing Reformation as a pioneer in growing sustainable fashion.

Sustainable practices

Reformation is dedicated to sustainability across all its operations. The main goal of this company is to make eco-friendly fashion appealing and accessible to everyone. Here are some sustainable practices implemented by Reformation:

Sustainable Practices

Reformation uses sustainable materials like Tencel, organic cotton, recycled polyester, and surplus fabric. These choices reduce the environmental impact compared to the traditional fabrics.

Water conservation

The fashion industry is suffering from a severe shortage of water. Reformation has established water-saving measures such as using recycled water in its production process and choosing fabrics that require less water.

Carbon neutrality 

Reformation aims for carbon neutrality which is committed to reducing its environmental impact. The company monitors its carbon emissions and balances them by investing in renewable energy projects and other carbon offset initiatives.

Local manufacturing

Reformation produces most of its clothing in Los Angeles. This approach not only minimizes the carbon footprint from shipping but also supports the local economy.


Transparency is the core value of the Reformation. Like other eco-friendly brands, Reformation is also open about its sustainability initiatives consistently releasing detailed reports on the environmental impact of its products.

Yael Aflalo has greatly impressed the fashion industry with her vision of reformation by showing that sustainable fashion can be attractive and more profitable.

The daily routine of Yael Aflalo  

This content is all about Yael Aflalo, so we are making it interesting to add the daily routine of Yael Aflalo. Keep reading to enjoy the daily routine of a valuable personality.

Morning Routine

♦ Early start:

Yael Aflalo starts her day early, around 6:00 AM to make the most productive tone for the day.

♦ Morning meditation:

To clear her mind, reduce stress, and maintain focus on her goal, she begins her morning with a short session of meditation.

♦ Nutritious breakfast:

Yael enjoys a breakfast smoothie loaded with fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins to fuel her morning.

Morning exercise:  In Yael’s daily routine, physical activities are included such as yoga, or a brief morning walk to boost her energy and fitness and to enjoy the natural scene of morning.

Work routine

♦ Office time: 

Yael Aflalo arrives at the office for work around 8:30 AM, reviews her schedule, and prioritizes her tasks for the day.

♦ Team meetings:

Regular meetings with her team are essential for Yael. In this session discussing a new project, reviewing progress, and brainstorming ideas.

♦ Creative work:

As a fashion entrepreneur, Yael Aflalo spent most of her time in creative work such as designing new collections, managing marketing campaigns, and strategizing for her brand.

♦ Commitment to Sustainability:

Yael is passionate about sustainability. She spends time exploring new ways to make her brand Eco-friendlier.

Afternoon Routine

♦ Networking and Meetings:

The afternoon of Yael Aflalo is filled with external meetings with suppliers, partners, or potential collaborators. Networking is a key part of her role in expanding the brand’s reach and impact.

♦ Product Development:

Yael is experiential in developing products. She often looks at an early version of the products, talks about changes with her team, and makes sure that each piece meets the brands.

Evening Routine  

♦ Wind Down:

After the busy day Yael relaxed by having dinner with her family and friends, reading a book, and watching the documentary.

♦ Planning for the next day:

Before bed, she thinks about what she accomplished and plans for the next day. She writes down important thoughts and ideas in a journal.

♦ Early Bedtime:

Yael goes to bed early at 10:00 PM to make sure she gets enough rest for the next day.

The daily routine of any personality, it doesn’t matter. In this article, the main purpose of adding the daily routine of Yael Aflalo is to give lesson to our readers or anyone which have read this post. this daily routine shows that we should be punctual. Value of time is the most important to achieve our goal. While paying attention your work, also take care of your family, because family is the everything!


What were the changes in the fashion industry after the Reformation?

The Reformation brand in the fashion industry has made a big change by focusing on sustainability and ethical practices. It has led the way in using eco-friendly materials, transparent supply chains, and responsible production processes, setting a new standard for environmental consciousness.

These changes have inspired other brands to adopt sustainability, causing a larger industry trend toward sustainability and making customers more aware of fashion’s environmental impact.

What have we learned from Yael Aflalo’s story?

Yael Aflalo’s experience with the fashion brand Reformation shows how blending business savvy with a dedication to sustainability can make a big impact. By prioritizing ethical production and transparency, she turned her company into a top eco-friendly fashion label. Her journey highlights the value of linking business objectives with environmental and social responsibility, proving that it’s possible to succeed in business while also benefiting. So, we learn that everything is possible by believing in yourself.

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